The article will be published in November.
品牌無國界 台灣遊艇大廠看好巴西
Sailing Samba: Taiwanese Yacht Making Way to Brazil
Text/ Ellen Chang, Photos/Ocean Alexander
With a reputation of fine craftwork and competitive price, Taiwan, as it is often dubbed the "Kingdom of Pleasure Boats", is ranked the 7th largest manufacturer of Mega Yachts in the 2010 Global Order Book, and first among Asian builders. Thanks to rapid growth in the regional market and cost-effective human as well as material resources, Taiwanese yachts possess great potentials in global expansion. Alexander Marine, manufacturer of Ocean Alexander yachts, for example, has snatched 50% plus market share in the U.S. west coast and was the only designated VIP boat sponsor in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
Taiwan: Kingdom of Pleasure Boats
台灣遊艇舉世聞名,《Showboats International》雜誌統計資料顯示,台灣2010年遊艇出口總計4432呎,僅次於義大利、美國、荷蘭、德國、英國、土耳其,並且台灣遊艇產值,早在2005年即突破兩億美元。特別的是,台灣遊艇多年來以外銷為主,本地並沒有發達的遊艇遊憩文化;台灣遊艇能有今日的成就,全憑業者對品質的堅持,以及品牌經營深耕的口碑。
Taiwan is well known for yacht making. According to Showboats International, yacht export from Taiwan totaled 4,432 feet in 2010, following Turkey, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, and Italy. The market heavily depends on exports, usually through dedicated dealers and distributors. In 2009, the U.S. was the largest buyer (51%, sourced from, followed by Europe (24%), Australia & New Zealand (13%) and Asia (10%). With relative dry and weak local marine culture, Taiwanese manufactures built up their names through persistence in high quality and extensive management of branding.
現在「Made in Taiwan」的豪華遊艇,可是全球巨星富豪的最愛:名賽車手小舒馬克(Ralf Schumacher)、NBA籃球明星皮朋、眾多香港富豪的遊艇,都是台灣製造。LVMH集團總裁阿諾特(Bernard Arnault)10多億元巨型豪華遊艇,也指定由台灣廠商承製。
Luxury mega yachts made in Taiwan are now the favorite of international celebrities, including F1 driver Ralf Schumacher, NBA star player Scottie Pippen, to name a few. Bernard Arnault, Chairman of the French Luxury Goods Group LVMH, also appointed Taiwanese manufacture for his US$30m luxury mega yacht.
As an island, Taiwan possesses rich marine resources and a strong industry base related to the marine sector, particularly in boat and yacht building. Yacht manufacture was first prompted by American military advisors stationed on the island over 50 years ago, which naturally made the U.S. biggest market for the industry. The industry enjoyed fast growth in the 1970s; however, it turned out to be a rollercoaster ride due to local currency appreciation, wage rise, and commodity price fluctuation, driving the industry's value down from almost US$200m in 1987 to below US$75m in 1994.
For the past few decades, Taiwanese yacht manufacturers went though immense restructuring. In the past, most yards were located inland and too far away from water. New yachts had to be towed a long way during wee hours to reach the port. In addition, the supply chain was too geographically fragmented to form a cluster of economy. Also, the brand awareness of Taiwanese yachts was few and far between when compared to European and American competitors. Taiwanese yachts maintained international competitiveness only thanks to lower cost and skilled craftsmen. Nevertheless, with global economy rebounding, local yards have turned keen on capacity building by expanding or relocating to larger sites, matching a manufacturing line for super mega yachts. In just the past three years, there was as much as US$100m investment pouring into the local yacht industry, whereas new yard areas amounted to 54,400 pings.
Ocean Alexander: Global Leader in Semi-Custom Yachts
東哥遊艇成立於 1978 年,創始人闕詒流原經營五金,偶然的機會頂下一家遊艇廠,自此成立自有品牌海上亞歷山大(Ocean Alexander)。「我父親從一開始就知道要做自己的品牌,不做代工。代工接單很單純,不必管銷售、服務、也不必經營品牌。但是代工船廠最後就是削價競爭,利潤還是在客戶手裡,只有品牌才能做得長久。」東哥董事長闕慶承說。
It was in 1978 that Alex Cheuh founded Alexander Marine, with its own brand Ocean Alexander. At that time Alex was operating a successful hardware component business, and it was by chance that he stepped into yacht manufacturing. "My father knew very well since the very beginning that he would only make his own brand," recalled John Cheuh, President of Alexander Marine. "OEM would have been easy, since you only work as told, and you wouldn't need to manage sales, customer service, let alone branding. However, eventually you could only compete with low price, leaving the lucrative shares to your clients. Only brands can last, and last long,"
Alexander Marine launched its first yacht Mark, a 50-feeter, in 1980. With continuous innovation and advanced craftsmanship, Alexander Marine soon surprised the industry by the 70-feet Nighthawk in 1985, which at that time was the largest pleasure boat Asia could produce. Such was how Alex Cheuh brought its vision into reality.
「遊艇是奢侈品;買不是因為需要,而是因為想要。客戶要的是最高品質,不是最低價。一艘遊艇造價幾百萬美金,但買家可以在五分鐘內就點頭成交。」東哥遊艇董事長闕慶承說。客戶決定是否成交的關鍵,不是低價,而是質感、以及服務。東哥遊艇將自有品牌命名為海上亞歷山大(Ocean Alexander),就是要給每一位船主海上王者般的體驗。
"Buying a yacht is a love affair. It is emotional, and the decision doesn't come out of necessity. Yacht owners look for best quality instead of lowest price. For example, it might take just five minutes to say yes to a multi-million deal," John Cheuh stressed. It is the quality and service that matter; Ocean Alexander, he explained, means to provoke and provide premium sailing experiences for every one of its owners.
遊艇好比是海上豪宅。就如同有的豪宅屋主喜歡買地自建,有的喜歡直接入住高級大樓,遊艇也可區分為客製化和半客製化,東哥屬於後者,讓船主在既定的規格中選擇所愛,客製船上的設備及裝潢。遊艇又像是車子,有的人要開時髦拉風的法拉利,有的則要傳統穩健的勞斯萊斯。世界最大的遊艇有 600呎長,十多個房間,雇員150人,氣勢不輸郵輪;東哥生產的半客製化的遊艇,從 50呎到150呎大小不等,功能完整穩重舒適,則特別適合家庭使用。
Some said yachts are like high end mansions at sea. Some build their own from scratch, while some others simply move in to pre-designed space. Ocean Alexander belongs to the latter category as its strength lies in semi-customization. With Ocean Alexander, owners choose from fixed models of different sizes, while all pieces of furniture and amenities onboard are custom-made. Some also said yachts are like cars-- some want sporty Ferrari, while some others prefer old-fashioned Rolls Royce. Currently, the largest yacht in the world, as pompous as it could be, is about 600 feet and boasts a 150-people staff for 10 guest rooms. With Ocean Alexander, the semi-custom yachts range from 50 feet to 150 feet, featuring complete functionality and comfortable impression, and are just perfect for families.
全球半客製化遊艇的市場,七到八成集中在美國、義大利、台灣。東哥成立 30 餘年,堅持不做代工,全力經營自有品牌海上亞歷山大(Ocean Alexander)。透過不斷創新,以及不變的極致工藝,累積銷售遊艇總量超過2000艘,成為大中華地區最大遊艇廠,目前全球有十多個代理,市場涵蓋歐美澳亞各地,尤其在美國特別突出,品牌知名度與評價也最高;在美西遊艇市場,東哥的市佔率超過50%。
About 70% to 80% of global semi-custom yachts are made in U.S., Italy, and Taiwan. Alexander Marine, as it gradually established its name and fame by three decades of endless innovation and countless effort in maintaining high quality, is now the largest yacht manufacturer in greater China area, with more than 2,000 yachts shipped via dealers around the world. In U.S., in particular, Ocean Alexander has excelled and been recognized as top-notch; in the west coast, its market share has exceeded 50%.
With Quality and Market Differentiation, OA Goes Global
As early as in 2002, Ocean Alexander established its first yard in mainland China. At first, the production supported export only, while in recent years it started to meet demands from the exploding inland market, as the economy boomed and a new fleet of yacht fans matured. "The Chinese market is not huge, and the sale records of the past two years combined could not match that of an American city, say, Los Angeles, in a year. However, the annual growth rate is impressive, way pass 50% [in China]," said John Cheuh.
Being the world factory, China churns out fast and fierce competitors for Ocean Alexander. "But they are short of key technologies, and it's not easy for them to compete for medium or mega yacht orders," John Cheuh said with confidence. In 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Alexander Marine was the selected as the sole boat sponsor for VIP transportation and sightseeing uses. For this prestigious event, Ocean Alexander provided a 74’ Motor yacht, and a 52’ Sedan.
The selection process included over twenty international luxury yacht brands and final selection came down to build quality, international reputation and engineering excellence. "We are extremely proud and excited by this opportunity to present our thirty years of pedigree to world leaders,” said John Chueh, President of Alexander Marine. “The rigorous selection process validates our product as one of the most unique among the world for its quality and engineering.”
巴西:大有潛力 積極尋求合作
Brazil: Sea of Opportunities
Aside from Taiwan and China, Alexander Marine, with 100,000 pings of total yard area around the world, now operates in U.S. pacific states of Washington and California, Caribbean state of Florida, and also in the Mid-west and New England. In China, seeing the strong, emerging local demand for yachts, Alexander Marine recently set up its fourth direct dealership in Sanya, Hainan, following those in Shanghai, Xiamen, and Guangzhou, thus becoming the largest chain seller in China.
For Alexander Marine, South America is an attractive market too. Not only the geographical conditions support sailing, such as Chile, but also the "New Rich" class that come with deeper pockets as well as interest for yachts. "Overall, Brazil is well established in terms of future economic growth, clientele and demographic structure, as well as port facilities for yachts. The local yacht manufacturing industry is on a firm basis of ten to twenty years. Alexander Marine would like to learn more about the Brazilian market," said John Cheuh.
He also talked about his plan in finding a manufacturing partner in Brazil, hoping that Ocean Alexander can extend its reach to South America. "There is no boundary for a good brand," concluded Cheuh.